Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The power of honesty

I try to make a habit out of being completely honest, to the best of my ability. I experimented a bit when I was 11 or 12, with telling lies or half-truths. The thing is, that someone always found me out, and that felt terrible. Not only that, but before I was found out, I was always really worried about what would happen if I was found out. I also felt really bad if someone suffered negative consequences of my lies. I think that I learned at a young age, that I don't feel good when I lie. It has no reward for me and rather burdens me with guilt. So I guess I have been blessed by God with a powerful conscience, and enough negative experiences to hammer it into my thick skull that lying is bad for me.

I want to be known as a trustworthy person. I want to be known as genuine and open. I enjoy being these things because it frees me from guilt and bad feelings, and makes my dealings with others much simpler. It is very difficult for me to comprehend lies from other people, and I don't want to cause the same complications for my friends or anyone I come across. "It is what it is," as my husband and his grandmother both like to say.

Lord, help me to be honest. Help me to be an open book, and if I am tempted to lie, let me remember why its not the right thing for me to do. I don't want to suffer from guilt and I don't want others to suffer from being misled by me. Amen.

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